Fossil Creek Farm is set on 100 acres of rolling hills, with meandering streams, and many mature native trees.
The team at Fossil Creek Farm Trust have a deep love for our people, the animals and the whenua. We work with empathy and understanding in a non-judgemental space. We have seen the positive results of our work.
Our Story
Fossil Creek Farm Trust has been created to heal our people, restore the native whenua and to rescue animals. The wai runs from the springs in the maunga.
Tui, Korimako and Kereru are abundant. Jude (nga puhi) and Lloyd are guardians of the farm and are driven by a desire to reduce suicide numbers in our community. Guided by aroha and her tupuna, Jude is on her waka connecting with whanau and communities to let people know that Fossil Creek Farm is a safe healing and nurturing place. A journey will start with one person and become whanau based in time, with wellbeing growing outwards into schools and communities.
All therapy staff have social work qualifications standing solid with animal therapy, nature therapy and equine therapy on the farm. Respite options range from fully self-contained to within the main whare. We take actively suicidal people who have nowhere else to go. We wrap around these people and start a journey that we are fully committed to, for as long as is needed.
“skilled staff, were able to quickly built rapport, using the animals and the environment, according to the presentation and needs of the students.
We were so impressed on a number of levels – one particular student, who came to Youth Nelson hostile and angry most days, would transform into someone almost unrecognisable when she climbed onto a horse at FCF. This student had been excluded from a mainstream school, and was at risk of losing her place at Youth Nelson, due to the escalating trauma her anger based behaviours were triggering in the others, and her inability and unwillingness to reflect on what was causing this. With continued funding provided by FCF, this young person was able to continue individual visits and was able to unpack this with the staff. This has made a huge difference to the outcomes for her – she remains engaged at Youth Nelson and has managed to form positive relationships with all the staff, has been open to, and has learnt to reduce the level of outbursts she has and also the frequency”,
“An opportunity arose to utilise Fossil creek Farm to provide both animal therapy, talking based therapy and respite. However, due to location part of my role was to support communication and transport. After a few sessions with this young rangatahi. I was shown around the farm by the Kaihautu Jude Porteous. What surprised me was the Kaitiakitanga that the rangatahi had developed with the various animals and the whenua. Listening to the rangatahi korero about the hoiho, tuna, manu, negru and the rakau whai hua with a real honesty about how she felt indicated the progress of the therapy, There is no sign of any anxiety to attend. She looks forward to her sessions and has developed trust with her therapist to the point where she feels confident to talk about any issues she may face.”
I am a Youth Worker at Whakatū Marae and have been referring and supporting rangatahi to attend sessions at Fossil Creek for the past 12 months. The rangatahi I work with are in the Youth Justice system and often refuse to engage in different activities or will try it once and never do it again, however I consistently see that these boys are loving the opportunities that they are able to spend on the farm and want to continue coming back for more, as long as funding allows.
These rangatahi benefit hugely from their time spent at Fossil Creek, not only from interaction with the animals but also positive time and kōrero from the knowledgeable kaimahi who support the rangatahi during their session.
In Term 1 of this year, we extended the visits to two sessions per week (two different groups) and this term, we have added a third group. This has been a significant investment of staff time (3 hours per session driving and accompanying the children) and school resources by the BOT. But we have seen huge benefits for some children. The skilled staff are able to design activities that engage each individual and support the child to communicate their feelings. Jude has developed a deep understanding of individual children’s needs, listening to our input, responding to this and guiding her team to create personalised programmes for the tamriki.
The skilled staff are able to design activities that engage each individual and support the child to communicate their feelings. Jude has developed a deep understanding of individual children’s needs, listening to our input, responding to this and guiding her team to create personalised programmes for the tamriki

Fossil Creek Farm: ‘It hugs you’ article published on RNZ.
“To come here and be able to explore the outdoors and the natural world is something that is really special…”